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Buttercup Bouquet Ruffled Henry Blouse


Excl. $30.00 shipping, 3-5 days From Harrods

Color: Black

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Excl. $30.00 shipping, 3-5 days



DÔEN Buttercup Bouquet Ruffled Henry Blousebuttercup bouquetWomen-led Dôen banks on the nostalgic mood of Californian beach culture of the past decades and channels that mood to create boho-chic pieces such as the Henri blouse. Printed with a hand-drawn buttercup bouquet motif, the style is characterised by romantic ruffles and pin-tucked panels, evoking Edwardian-style volume.Women-led Dôen banks on the nostalgic mood of Californian beach culture of the past decades and channels that mood to create boho-chic pieces such as the Henri blouse. Printed with a hand-drawn buttercup bouquet motif, the style is characterised by romantic ruffles and pin-tucked panels, evoking Edwardian-style volume.

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