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Indiana Dunes Moto Leather Jacket- Aged Black

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Free shipping, 4 - 6 days From Wolf & Badger

Color: Black

Material: Metal, Suede, Lace, Leather

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Wolf & Badger

Free shipping, 4 - 6 days



Inspired by the timeless appeal of a cherished vintage motorcycle jacket, our Indiana Dunes Motorcycle Jacket in the new Aged Black color captures that enduring sense of style. Crafted from premium thick lamb leather, it undergoes a meticulous three-day drumming process, followed by three days of careful drying, resulting in an astonishing transformation.
Every detail exudes the essence of a traditional motorcycle jacket: an antique nickel zipper with metal pullers, a conveniently inclined left chest pocket for easy access, and comfortable back bellows with an adjustable buckle at the bottom. The custom print lining featuring the U.S. flag adds a unique touch.
Discover the timeless allure of the Indiana Dunes Motorcycle Jacket in Aged Black and make it a part of your own journey.

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