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Sports shoes ‘Trailgrip Lite2’

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$435$335 (22% OFF)

Free shipping, 3-5 days From Miinto

Color: Pink

Material: Metal, Lace, Synthetic, Rubber

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$435    22% Off



‘TRAILGRIP LITE2’ SPORTS SHOES from the exclusive brand Moncler epitomize refined style and unparalleled functionality. Designed with contemporary women in mind, these sports shoes combine modern design and comfort. Featuring a low profile, these shoes have a robust, thick sole adapted to uneven terrain, making them perfect for trekking and walking on rough surfaces. The dominant pink color, complemented by beige and white details, adds subtle elegance. The contrasting dark brown soles and beige laces complete the look. The upper, made from the highest quality synthetic and textile materials, guarantees durability and comfort. The sturdy rubber sole provides excellent grip, and the distinctive lacing with metal eyelets highlights their unique character. The large

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