Petar Petrov’s light brown blazer was styled with the coordinating trousers in the house's Resort 2020 lookbook, which focused on flowing silhouettes. Cut from virgin-wool twill and buggy lined to help with layering over thicker pieces, it's topped with perky shoulders and large peak lapels - the oversized bronze buttons are a hallmark of the collection. Match the house's styling and pair with the matching trousers to draw focus to the tailoring process.The 'Hyatt' trousers are cut from a soft blend of silk in a tapered silhouette. Sharply pressed and work-appropriate, they look so good with the brand's striped top and coordinating blazer.Petar Petrov Jimi Double-Breasted Jacket and Herve Pleated Tapered Pants In Nude WoolCondition - excellentColor - nudeMaterial - Wool/Hair | Lana vergineSize - FR42Sign of wear - NoSKU - 140971